Dutch courses

Dutch for non-native speakers
By learning Dutch, people can better integrate into daily life, the workplace or other environments. WoordWakker offers ONLINE courses, private or groupe courses of maximum 4 students, and FACE-TO-FACE classes in the Brussels region. The focus is on non-native speakers with a beginner or A1 level, who aim to reach an A2 level in Dutch. I also provide tailor-made courses, based on the client's needs.
In my Dutch classes, SPEAKING takes center stage. Through informal conversations, asking each other questions, and conversation tables, you'll learn Dutch in an enjoyable way. Alongside speaking, we cover reading, listening and writing skills, as well as the basics of Dutch grammar. All activities are embedded in various current themes, including work-related topics, and can be customized to suit your needs.
I use my OWN COURSE, which focuses on practical realities and what surrounds us. I always provide distance work with writing, listening, and revision exercises (grammar, vocabulary), but you can also choose to do this during our course.
Both individuals and companies can contact WoordWakker. Send a message with your needs and I will contact you as soon as possible.