Discovering talents
A talent is something you do without effort and that brings you satisfaction.
Time flies when you do it and you enter a flow where everything comes naturally.
It recharges your batteries and provides renewable energy.
You can be 100% authentically yourself.
You do what suits you best.
~ Luk Dewulf

What is talent?
WoordWakker works with Luk Dewulf and Peter Beschuyt's 39 talents framework. It's all about the hidden talents we don't see right away.
Talents are often deeply hidden. I spoke with some children whose passion is football. In each conversation, a different talent emerged: someone who enjoys helping others improve their football skills, a strategist who focuses on tactics during football, someone who thrives in group settings and enjoys bringing people together, and a boundary-pusher who trains extra hard to continually improve.
Everyone also thinks in their own way: the 'weigher', the 'knowledge sponge' who likes to gather as much information about something as possible, someone who learns a lot from experience and someone who acts from gut feeling. If you know this about yourself, your parents and teachers at school can take this into account. For example, some people need more thinking time and others cannot always explain how they came up with a solution.
Everyone is full of talents, and discovering them can have a positive effect on your self-esteem and resilience. You believe in yourself, dare to be more authentic, and you can handle difficult situations better. Learning to be yourself and feeling good with who you are is the goal of the guidance and workshops.
Personal guidance

Is your child lacking clear interests or struggling with low self-confidence? Do they face challenges at school or feel less than their best for other reasons? You can turn to WoordWakker, where elementary school children can discover their talents.
We start with a talent interview. Firstly, I explore what your child enjoys doing, what occupies and delights them, and why they enjoy these activities. Together, we uncover your child's talents and identify which ones they like most.
The next steps depend on your child's needs. We can explore which talents frequently surface and which ones your child may not yet express or feel confident about showing. We'll discuss how your child can apply their talents at school or elsewhere, and address any potential pitfalls associated with these talents.
Discovering talents brings me joy, so I hope I can help your child in their search!
free intake interview
price: request a quote
location: at home or Be-Here Laeken
Workshops in schools

WoordWakker offers workshops to classes and schools, based on their needs. One goal is to discover that talents don't always have to be big, they can be found in the small things you do.
We learn what a talent is, explore different types of talents, discuss how to discover talents in yourself and others, and so on. A talent flourishes when you are aware of it, and especially when others recognize it!
Request a free Teams meeting via the
free intake interview
price: request a quote
location: at school